Protection of rare plants
One third of Carpathian region is occupied by semi natural territories, including pastures and high mountains valleys – plains (polonyny), which due to the traditional ways of agriculture have one of the highest varieties of different species in the world. It is about 75 kinds per square meter and it is the place of a great variety of endemic and relic kinds.
Due to the various geology and geomorphologic structure plus due to the favorable soil and climatic conditions The Carpathians are characterized by a major biological variety. The flora of the region has about 3000 kinds and sub kinds of vascular plants, which makes 31, 2% of Europe’s flora richness. 502 kinds and sub kinds of endems are discovered in the flora of the Carpathians.
The Ukrainian Carpathians are characterized by a great variety and number of sub alpine kinds which are typical for sub alpine and mountainous territories of foliage and conifer forests in high mountains. There are 3171 kinds of vascular plants in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Due to the numerous high zones, this region is the richest one in flora. Out of all the vascular plants which grow in Ukraine, two thirds of them can be found in the Ukrainian Carpathians. 82, 6 are in the Red Book of Ukraine, and 20 are in the Red Book of Europe.
The plants which grow only in the Ukrainian Carpathians (endemic kinds) have a great importance. The following kinds belong to this group: aconite low (Aconitum nanum), pervocvit polonynsky ( Primula poloninensis), Carpathian blueberry (Ribes carpaticum), Carpathian bells (Campanula carpatica) and domykamen Carpathian ( Saxifraga carpatica). Eastern Carpathian lilac (Syringa josikaea,) pennines chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum), plains’ narrow leaf narcissus population (Narcissus angustifolius). They all belong to not many groups which can be found in the Carpathian region.