Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"

Oleksandr Kartashov, Volodymyr Katolyk

In Transcarpathian region the electric power consumption makes about 2,0 milliard of kWh per year. The electricity generation by local HPS makes 120-160 million kWh (6-8 % from the total) and it is concentrated on four hydroelectric power stations: Tereblya-Rika HPS (with capacitance of 27,0 mW); Onokivtsi HPS (2,65 mW); Uzhhorod HPS (1,9 mW); Bilyny HPS (0,63 mW).

At the same time the hydroenergetic resources of Transcarpathia are the most numerous in Ukraine per unit of water intake area. In 1946-1948 the Rural Electrification Chart of the region was made and till 1955 more than thirty Small Collective and Forestry Farming HPS (from 50 to 450 kW) were built in Transcarpathia. /All of them are destroyed or neglected, but they might be renewed in future./ In 1992 “Ukrhydproject” Kharkiv Institute proceeded to work out “The Sustainable Use of Tysa River Basin Water Resources Scheme” by order of Minenergo of Ukraine. The issue of construction of thirty six HPS with general capacitance of 395 raW in the Tysa river basin was considered there. “Ukrhydroprojekt” has also studied the question of 25 small HPS construction on the rivers of Tysa, Teresva, Tereblya, Rika. The reconstruction of existing hydroelectric power stations and the construction of the new ones of any capacitance is a very perspective investment. It is possible to build them near the sanatoriums, tourist centers, farmer economies and their building requires the minimum of land allotment and deforestation; they are almost fully provided with the mass-production facilities.

Source: Magazine “Transcarpathia” № 2 summer/autumn 2010


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