For working out the mutual strategy on ecological problems of the Carpathian region solving the Committee on Sustainable Development of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe after considering ecological situation and its social consequences in this region could offer the following actions:
a) to conduct at the beginning of the year 2009 under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe scientific conference “Ecological Situation in the Carpathian Region, Its Social Consequences and Ways of Improvement” in Ukraine;
b) to declare 2009 as the Year of Preservation of the Carpathians;
c) to set up within the framework of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities the Carpathian Ecological Commission with such tasks:
– providing the informational system with data on the state of>, environment and warning of the dangerous ecological phenomena;
– co-ordination of creation of antiflood hydrotechnical constructions system in the basins of transfrontier rivers;
– realization of forestry measures on the increase of stand concentration in the Carpathian region and improvement of water-regulating function of the mountain forests;
– realization of the territorial sustainable development planning in flood endangered mountain villages with the purpose of optimization of their ecological safety;
– organization of long-term monitoring in ecologically critical mountain regions;
– unification of nature protection legislation in the Carpathian countries in compliance with the standards of EU legislation;
d) to charge the Committee on Sustainable Development with monitoring of influence of international legislation and agreements on the environmental protection in the Carpathian region;
e) to state, regional and local authorities of the Carpathian countries to initiate meetings of representatives of higher authorities at the level of Ministers for Environmental Protection and representatives of regional authorities on determination of possible ways of solving basic ecological problems of the Carpathian region;
f) to state and regional authorities of the Carpathian region to develop joint long-term programme on the protection of river basins from floods with the assistance of the Council of Europe bodies;
g) to state and regional authorities of the Carpathian region to complete the creation of national ecological networks as constituents of Pan European Ecological Network;
h) with the purpose of mobilization of financial resources of European countries and international organizations to create “Fund for Overcoming Ecological Problems in the Carpathians”, including compensation of damages inflicted on the environment as a result of technogenic accidents;
i) to create in the framework of Interregional Association “Carpathian Euroregion” the informational and consultative center.
Kichkovskiy M., Gamor F., Kushnir B. Land Close to the Sky. Uzhhorod : Karpaty, 2008
