Oksana Havrosh, art critic
The most important qualities of the artistic language of Transcarpathian art − high spirituality, poetry, integrity of perception of the world − are those fundamental principles which come from the sources of folk mentality. Nameless Huzul pysanky, carved communion crosses, flasks, mugs and tubes, engraved tins and embroidered towels will save forever hidden in the simplest symbols history of the land, endured and struck with the boundless love to the native land. Wooden folk architecture is the most prominent phenomenon in the history of art and architecture of Transcarpathia. An integral part of the church interiors decoration were carved iconostases. icons and monumental painting in which we can see the distant echoes of European styles. One of the most valuable samples of Transcarpathian monumental painting is the fresco of Horyanska rotunda − the oldest monument of the post Mongolian period on the territory of Ukraine. Beginning with the 17th century quite a number of icons painted by professional artists appear in Transcarpathia. Such masters were Ivan Shchyretskiy from Peremyshl. Illya Brodlakovych-Vyshenskiy from Sudova Vyshnya, Stephen Vyshenskiy, Yatsko from Vyshnya and others. The second half of the 19th century − the bound which discerned the art of previous times based on religious principles from the new art, the art of society. This period is represented by the names of the prominent Ferdynand Vydra, Hnat Roshkovych, Mihay Munkachi, Imre Reves. Shymon Kholloshi.
The new stage in the formation of the original Transcarpathian school of art began in the first half of the 20th century. The making of the professional school of painting is connected with the names of Adalbert Erdeli and Yosyp Bokshay. The opening of “Public school of drawing” by Bokshay and Erdeli in 1927 signified the appearance of the young generation of artists. Among them there are Andriy Kotska, Ernest Kontratovych, Zoltan Sholtes, Adalbert Boretskiy, Shandor Petki, Olena Mondych who worked in the field of sculpture and young Vasyl Svyda, Ivan Harapko.
In the chronicles of the Ukrainian art alongside with the names of coryphaeus are written down the names of senior generation of artists − H. Hluk, V Mykyta, Y. Herts, P. Bedzir, V. Habda, Y. Kremnytska, F. Seman, V. Prykhodko, V Skakandiy. The middle generation of artists is represented by N. Ponomarenko, L. Korzh-Radko, B. Korzh, Z. Mychka, T. Danylych, B. Kuzma, V. Habda, T. Usyk, O. Kondratyuk, A. Kovach, V Hanhura, S. Biba, V. Pavlyshyn, N. Sima, I. Paneyko, P. Kovach, H. Buletsa.
Transcarpathian school of fine arts arose on the crossing of few European schools and gaining stylistic unity it has become well known all over the Europe.
Source: Magazine “Transcarpathia” № 2 summer/autumn 2010
