Olexandr Andyaloshiy, Chief of the Department of Regional Development, Town planning and Architecture of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration
Transcarpathian region is one of the picturesque corners of Ukraine. Dividing the regional territories among the ethnic groups of huzuls, boyky, lemky dwelling in the land one can see at once the influence of original culture of that or other group on folk architecture. It is especially present in sacral architecture. The golden fund of sacral architecture is formed by the gothic churches of Maramoros traditional architecture in Khust district. Castle architecture rose to especially high levels of development in 14-18 centuries. Twelve castles of different periods were built on the territory of the region. Since Transcarpathia was located on salt ways, the first castles were built up as boundary posts of 9-12 centuries period. The designers of fortification buildings were mainly French and Italian engineers.
Town planning differs from that of the West European cities. On the territory of Transcarpathia building development is conducted with the extended composition. In architectural expressiveness our towns are presented mainly by historical secession objects, Austria-Hungarian eclecticism and Czechoslovakia republic epoch constructivism (the 1920 -30s). Some monuments of gothic and baroque architecture are found in the towns of Uzhhorod, Mukachevo, Berehovo, Khust, Vynohradovo, Tyachevo. The towns please with their chamber squares, high buildings, narrow green streets and roadways.
Traditionalism is not lost in the days of globalization and this is the basic achievement of urbanization development on the territory of the region and it must run like a golden thread through the other town planning tasks execution in the future. Let us save “Silver land” for mankind!
Source: Magazine “Transcarpathia” № 2 summer/autumn 2010
