Over 150 of rural, city, district, regional, All-Ukrainian, international cultural and art festivals are held annually in Transcarpathia. The international festivals of modern spiritual music, organ music, classic and modern music of “Muzychne suzirya Zakarpattya”, of theatrical collectives of the CIS and European Region countries of “Etno-Dia-Sfera”, children theaters festival of “Interlyalka”, literary festival of “Karpatska vatra”, jazz festival of “Pap-Jazz-Fest”, choreography festival of “Tantsi z Karpatamy”, song festival of “Chervona ruta”; regional festivals of “Veselka nad Tysoyu”, Slovakia song festival of “Zolotiy solovey”, playing programs festival of “Hraylyk”, regional holidays of national minorities cultures – Slovakian, Hungarian, Romanian, German, Roma and many others – are known worldwide.
Four professional theaters work in Transcarpathia. Six creative collectives, namely brass band, chamber and symphony orchestras; bands of “Harmoniya (Harmony)”, “Uhorski melodiyi (Hungarian melodies)”, and also performers-soloists work in Regional Philharmonic Society.
In 2009 two professional artistic teams got the status of “Academic”. The Transcarpathian honoured folk chamber choir of “Cantus” is one of them.
Source: Magazine “Transcarpathia” № 2 summer/autumn 2010
