Hamor F., Dovhanych Ya., Pokynchereda V., Sukharyuk D., Bundzyak Yo., Berkela Yu., Voloshchuk M., Hodovanets В., Kabal M.
The Transcarpathian administrative region is located in the very west of Ukraine. Its area is 12.800 square kilometers with the population density about 100 people for 1 square kilometer.
Mountains cover about 75 % of the region. Transcarpathia is characterized by a great landscape and biological diversity, a dense hydrologic network (about 9.500 rivers and streams) and moreover it is one of the most forested regions of Ukraine. Forests grow here on the area of some 695.800 ha, which is 51 % of the region’s territory.
The forest cover here is mostly made up of beech, spruce, fir, oak with admixtures of maple, ash-tree, elms and other valuable species. Hard broadleaved species within the stands constitute 66.8% (beech – 57.2%), coniferous – 27.9% (spruce -26.4%), softwood and other species – 5.3 %.
According to the age structure young (22.8%) and middle-aged (45.4%) stands predominate. Pre-mature constitute 11.5%, and to mature and overgrowth belong 20.3% (Fig. 2).
Taking into account ecological specific features of Transcarpathia, almost 160.000 ha (about 25%) belong to protected forests. Here also preserved vast areas of virgin or primeval forests due to the difficult access.
Source: Hamor F., Dovhanych Ya., Pokynchereda V., Sukharyuk D., Bundzyak Yo., Berkela Yu., Voloshchuk M., Hodovanets В., Kabal M. Virgin forests of Transcarpathia. Inventory and management. – Rakhiv, 2008. – 86 p.
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