Fore-Carpathian Trough, Boryslavsko-Pokutskiy Nappe.
Nadvirna area, northern outskirt of Nadvirna City. Left rocky bank of Bystrytsya Nadvirnyanska River
48° 39′ N lat; 24°35′ E long.
Cliff. Square 5 hectares
Stratigraphic, mineralogic.
In the 60-70 m high and 250 m long left rocky bank of Bystrytsya Nadvirnyanska River (above the bridge over river) there occurs the sequence of variable-rhythmic intercalation of red-brown and greenish-grey argillites and aleurolites. On the bedding surfaces there are widespread numerous imprints of drying fractures and rain droplets. At the different stratigraphic levels occur lenses of river-course facies sandstones which contain at the bottom lens-like layers of copper-bearing sandstones. Copper minerals include malachite, azurite and chalcopyrite. The rocks are subdivided as Stebnytska Suite which belongs to Otnang and Carpathian regio-divisions (18-22 Ma).
This is typical section of parti-colored Lower Miocene continental molassa of Boryslavsko-Pokutskiy Nappe. The outcrop is the object of international and domestic geological excursions, it has scientific value and makes the landscape impressive.
Ecological conditions are suitable.
In 80 m from the outcrop there passes I-class motor-car road Nadvirna-lvano-Frankivsk. Motor-car parking is located in front of outcrop. There is suitable pass to the outcrop and along it beneath the slope.
Legally the object is defined as regional-rank geological landmark.
Sourсe: Geological Landmarks of Ukraine: In 3 volumes/V.P. Bezvynniy, S.V. Biletski, O.B. Bobrovetal.; V.l. Kalinin, D.S. Gurskiy, I.V. Antakova, Eds. — K.: DIA, 2006. — Volume I. — 320 p.
