Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"


External Carpathians, Chornogorskiy Thrust

Nadvirna and Verkhovyna areas, and Trans-Carpathians region, Rakhiv area

48° 09′ N lat.; 24° 30′ E long.

Ridge. Square 100 hectares

Carpathians Biosphere Reserve

Geomorphologic, stratigraphic.

This is highland ridge where are located highest mountains of Ukrainian Carpathians — Goverla (2061 m), Petros (2020 m), Gutyn Tomnatyk (2013 m), Turkul, Rebra (2002 m), Munchil, Dzembronya, Chorna Gora (2028 m).

The ridge is composed of thick Upper Cretaceous — Lower Paleogene flysch sequence (Chornogorska Suite, 60-75 Ma) which comprises most of Chornogorskiy Thrust which north-eastward almost completely overlaps southern structures of Skyboviy Thrust. Chornogorska Suite section is composed of sandstones, gravelites, and lenses of fine-pebble conglomerates with minor argillites. On the background of monocline dipping there occur large folds of uncommon shape (like “propeller”). On the both ridge slopes there are well observed mountain glaciation forms. Three levels of glacial circus are distinguished there. Youngest glaciation age is about 10 thousand years. In the youngest glacial circus there are preserved all components including gullied and rocky banks, carlings, cross-bars, bottom and side moraines, wonderful mountain lakes from which largest is Nesamovyte Lake.

Chorna Gora Ridge is the main landscape counterpart of the Ukrainian Carpathians which is being visited by thousand of tourists from different countries of the world.

Ecological conditions are suitable.

From Vorokhta village there is Ill-class motor way to the sport camp “Zaroslyak” then ascend to Goverla Mountain by clearly defined paths. Along the ridge also there is appropriate path.

The ridge is included into the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. It is suggested to give the status of international-rank landmark.

Sourсe: Geological Landmarks of Ukraine: In 3 volumes/V.P. Bezvynniy, S.V. Biletski, O.B. Bobrovetal.; V.l. Kalinin, D.S. Gurskiy, I.V. Antakova, Eds. — K.: DIA, 2006. — Volume I. — 320 p.


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