Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"

Khrysto Rohlev, academician of the Academy of Tourism of Ukraine, Honoured worker of service industry

According to the Worldwide Tourist Organization Ukraine can be among the first twenty of countries – the most popular directions of tourism till the year of 2020. Therefore the primary strategic objective of tourist sphere development consists in forming of competitive tourist industry. The young people of Transcarpathia, who choose the profession related to tourist business, have great possibilities of fundamental knowledge receipt: Uzhhorod National University, Transcarpathian State University, Mukachevo State University and many other educational establishments of different level of accreditation. Students are in position to study the special tourist disciplines, hotel and restaurant business, international hotel industry, information technologies in tourism and others like that. Great attention is paid to the study of foreign languages.

Source: Magazine “Transcarpathia” № 2 summer/autumn 2010


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