Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"

Under the circumstances of realization of eurointegration processes new opportunities for solving many problems of local communities appeared before Zakarpatska, Lvivska, Ivano-Francivska, Chernivetska oblasts of Ukraine and other districts of the Carpathian region. The 8th international exhibition fair “Toureurocenter-Zakarpattya-2008″ that was held in Zakarpattya confirmed this. Guests from seven countries and many Ukrainian regions were present there. The aim of the forum was to demonstrate possibilities of tourism and recreation and their role in solving unemployment problem, exchange information about the development of tourism in the neighboring countries of the Carpathian region, develop and establish new business contacts. The residents of Zakarpattya were pleased to astonish their guests. However there are 299 tourist and recreation institutions, sanatoriums and hotels in the region that can receive 22,000 people at the same time. It should be mentioned that everything was achieved during the period of Ukraine’s independence. As one of the basic activities in Zakarpattya it continues to develop actively. Just for the six month of the current year the number of tourists increased by 52% and the amount of provided services – by 55% compared with the year 2007. Deductions to the budgets of all levels have also increased. Financing of extension or reconstruction of material and technical base increased considerably. About hundred new workplaces were created in the first half-year, 7 tourist objects were put into an operation, yet 39 – are being built or reconstructed in compliance with all European standards.

Within the framework of exhibition fair “Toureurocenter-Zakar-pattya-2008″ an international conference “Influence of Eurointegration and Transfrontier Processes on the Development of Tourist Industry in the Carpathian Region” took place. In the approved Recommendations it was marked the exceptional value of realization of antiflood program for protection of regional territories, providing for ecological safety, creation of the proper infrastructure. It is the only possible way to replace enterprises that apply environmentally unfriendly technologies with new modern enterprises.

The Carpathian countries were always famous for the folk craftsmen: carvers, embroiderers, masters of the applied art. Mostly they live in remote mountain settlements and present an original folk art which does not have analogues in other European countries.

Their personal interest in creative work and creations of Carpathian folk craftsmen would substantially assist the development and revival of the forgotten types of folk art, and the solution of urgent problem of employment in mountain settlements. In fact in Ukraine, Romania and Slovakia one may find depressed villages where inhabitants in search of profits leave their native dwellings. It is very alarmingly for the Carpathian region where family values have always had special meaning.

One of important problems for local communities in Zakarpattya is the introduction of modern ecofriendly technologies in the processing industry, agricultural products, wild medicinal plants, mushrooms, etc. Enterprises created under the assistance of European investors operate profitably and with benefit to local population, creating the proper labour conditions and salary, and solving important socio-cultural problems of the local community. This is very important for the ecological problems must be solved together with other problems of the society. Experience and possibilities of European countries are not only desirable, but also necessary.


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