Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"


Internal Carpathians, Marmaroshskiy crystalline massif

Rakhiv city. Kostylivka village

47° 59″ 38″ N lat: 24° 12′ 29″ E long.

Cliffs. Square up to 1000 m2

Geomorphologic, petrographic.

On the opposite banks of Tysa River at Kostylivka village outskirts rise above two rocky cliffs 20-40 m high with crosses at their tops. Left-bank cliff is composed of metamorphosed Vendian ‒ Lower Cambrian granite-porphyries of Berlebashska Suite (Dilovetskiy nappe), and right-bank cliffs ‒ Upper Riphean granite-gneisses (Bilopototskiy nappe).

In the cliffs there are exposed typical for these nappes intrusive and sub-intrusive rocks. The landmark has scientific importance. It is easily accessible for motor-car tourists. According to the legend the crosses were established for the memory on the tragic death of young sweethearts Marichka and Ivan which were suppressed to be married. Then young sweethearts had thrown themselves down toward one another from these cliffs.

Ecological conditions are suitable.

Accessible by motor-car.

Legally the object as geological landmark is not defined yet.

It is suggested to give the status of geological regional-rank landmark.

Sourсe: Geological Landmarks of Ukraine: In 3 volumes/V.P. Bezvynniy, S.V. Biletski, O.B. Bobrovetal.; V.l. Kalinin, D.S. Gurskiy, I.V. Antakova, Eds. — K.: DIA, 2006. — Volume I. — 320 p.


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