Regional Information Center "CARPATHIANS"


Trans-Carpathian internal trough, Mukachivska depression

Beregovo area, northern outskirt of Muzhievo village

48° 11′ 05″ N lat.; 22°41′ 17″ E long.

Ancient underground mine


On the southern slope of Velyka Beregivska Mountain is located the entrance to the ancient underground mine which comprises complicated system of galleries and drifts of more than 1000 m length. Ancient miners (XIV-XVI centuries?) had been extracting gold from the lode which at present is called “22nd Fault” and is characterized by predominance of large gold particles over fine ones. Mineralization is confined to veinlet zones within hydrothermally altered Lower Sarmatian rhyolite tuffs.

Geologist V.P. Drachuk has found there not only rather well-done ceramic candlesticks made of basically processed sandstone but also oil candlesticks which could suggest for more ancient age of Muzhievske deposit mining.

Ecological conditions are suitable. Entrance to the gallery is equipped with stairs while roof part is strengthened with cement and locked by a trellis.

Accessible by motorcar. 680 m southward from the top of Velyka Beregivska Mountain (365.7 m).

Legally the object as geological landmark is not defined yet.

It is suggested to give the status of geological state-rank landmark.

Джерело: Геологічні пам’ятки України: У 3 т. / В.П. Безвинний, С.В. Білецький, О.Б. Бобров та ін.; За ред. В.І. Калініна, Д.С. Рурського, І.В. Антакової. — К.: ДІА, 2006. — Т. І. — 320 с.


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